Total War Warhammer Free Company Militia

Free Company Militia (DLC The Grim and the Grave) - a unit with Vanguard Deployments, which allows to deploy it in an expanded deployment area. Besides that, Free Company Militia has limited range and can hardly punch through armor. Their only advantage over other range units is better melee attack. Dude.the free company militia is not a replacement for handgunners and they are not supposed to be armorpiercing. They are using PISTOLS not Rifles as the handgunners do. They use the same pistols as Pistoliers do and Outriders use the same as Handgunners. They are very fast firing vanguard-skirmishers who are also decent in melee.

Militia (ETW unit)

Category: Infantry
Class: Militia
Men: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160
Range: 70
Accuracy: 25
Reloading skill: 10
Ammunition: 15
Melee attack: 4
Charge bonus: 8
Defence: 9
Morale: 4
Turns to train: 1
Recruitment cost: 700
Upkeep cost: 170
Building (minimum level)


Total War Warhammer Free Company Militia How To Recruit

These musket-armed troops are recruited to defend their own locality, not carry the war to an enemy’s land.

Militia or provincial troops are commonly held to be inferior to regular soldiers and, although they are trained to use the same tactics as marching regiments of the line, there is some truth in this assertion. Militia are expected to act as reassuring presence, and sometimes as a police force in suppressing local disturbances.

Historically, it was not unusual for militia to be locals recruited as part-time soldiers while retaining their day jobs and trades. In Britain, for example, service in the militia was seen as a good idea: you not only looked very patriotic for volunteering, but you could not be sent overseas! For ambitious would-be officers, there was a hidden financial benefit to joining the militia. A commander who could persuade his men to transfer to the army with him would not have to pay the cost of his regular commission.


Can guard
Can hide in light scrub
Can hide in woodland
Grappling hooks

Technological abilities

Plug bayonet
Ring bayonet
Socket bayonet
Chevaux de frise

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External links

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You'll never find a less trustworthy rabble, but for the right price they'll fight to the death... and beyond.

Sartosa Free Company are a melee infantry unit unique to Aranessa Saltspite's Pirates of Sartosa.

Description[edit | edit source]

The Decadent Pirate Principality of Sartosa, known more politely by its swashbuckling inhabitants as the Free City of Sartosa or simply the City of Pirates, is an anarchic pirate island-stronghold located on the southern reaches of war-torn Tilea, off the coast of the Tilean city-state of Luccini. A notorious haven for criminals, it harbours all manner of pirates, brigands, lawless mercenaries - anyone wanting to avoid the various legitimate powers of the Old World. It is a tremendously dangerous place, where drunken pirates press-gang unsuspecting individuals, brawls and duels are an hourly occurrence, and thieves ply the dirty, crowded docks looking for easy marks. Despite the risks, however, it is a place where someone with the toughness and willpower to survive can not only live but thrive, far from the yoke of unfair taxes, overbearing noblemen, and stringent laws. From Sartosa to Araby in the south, the Border Princes to the east, and the mainland past the Great Ocean, exotic lands await. In short, Sartosa is a perfect place for finding fame, plunder and endless adventure!

Attributes[edit | edit source]

Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.

Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy in an expanded deployment area, allowing it to start the battle within striking distance of the enemy - or somewhere unexpected.

Aquatic: Where other units of small stature struggle to fight and move in shallow water, Aquatic units excel.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

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Total War Warhammer 2 Free Company Militia

Total War Warhammer Free Company Militia

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Total War Warhammer Free Company Militia Commander

The melee unit is a solid upgrade to the Zombie Deckhand MobsVampire Coast factions will typically use, easily doing more damage with their anti-infantry bonus. With Aranessa's army specific buffs in campaign they can become far superior to the Deckhands, shredding through most infantry. Outside of her army, they are still solid units, although not as strong. The downsides to not having Undead in your front line is that they can rout, which leaves one's gun line exposed. These units are more damage dealers than holders, perhaps save them for flanking attacks or against key enemy infantry rather than a full front line. They also have Vanguard deployment and a hefty speed boost over their zombie comrades allowing them to sneak up on artillery pieces or get good flanking maneuvers.

Legendary LordsLuthor Harkon · Count Noctilus · Aranessa Saltspite · Cylostra Direfin
LordsVampire Fleet Admiral (Pistol-Death) · Vampire Fleet Admiral (Pistol-Deep) · Vampire Fleet Admiral (Pistol-Vampires) · Vampire Fleet Admiral (Polearm-Death) · Vampire Fleet Admiral (Polearm-Deep) · Vampire Fleet Admiral (Polearm-Vampires)
HeroesVampire Fleet Captain (Deep) · Vampire Fleet Captain (Death) · Vampire Fleet Captain (Vampires) · Gunnery Wight · Mourngul Haunter
MountsDeath Shriek Terrorgheist (mount) · Rotting Leviathan (mount) · Rotting Promethean (mount) · Necrofex Collossus (mount)
Melee InfantryZombie Pirate Deckhands Mob · Zombie Pirate Deckhands (Polearm) · Depth Guard · Depth Guard (Polearms) · Syreens
Ranged InfantryZombie Pirate Gunnery Mob · Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Handguns) · Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Hand Cannons) · Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Bombers) · Deck Gunners
WarbeastsScurvy Dogs · Fell Bats
Flying cavalryDeck Droppers · Deck Droppers (Handguns) · Deck Droppers (Bombers)
Monstrous infantryBloated Corpse · Mournguls · Animated Hulks
Monstrous cavalryRotting Prometheans · Rotting Prometheans Gunnery Mob
MonstersNecrofex Collossus · Rotting Leviathan
ArtilleryCarronade · Mortar (Vampire Coast)
Special units
Queen Bess · Sartosa Free Company · Sartosa Militia · Damned Knights Errant · Damned Knights of the Realm · Damned Questing Knights · Damned Paladin
The Tide of Skjold (Zombie Pirate Deckhands Mob) · The Bloody Reaver Deck Guard (Depth Guard (Polearm)) · The Black Spot (Zombie Pirate Gunnery Mob (Handguns)) · Shadewraith Gunners (Deck Gunners) · Night Terrors (Mournguls) · Saltlord Scuttlers (Deck Droppers (Bombers)) · The Lamprey's Revenge (Rotting Prometheans Gunnery Mob) · Gallows Giant (Necrofex Collossus)
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