Major Works Data Sheet Wuthering Heights

  1. Major Works Data Sheet Template
A passage from p.21; Line 6

May 10, 2012 Today, students had the class period to work on the Major Works Data Sheets for Things Fall Apart. Students are allowed to work in groups of one, two, or three. Major Works Data Sheets are due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, Continue reading →. Major works data sheet can be one of the options to accompany you later. Foundation maths paper, wuthering heights emily bronte, kawai xr9000 user Page 2/3. AP English Literature and Composition MAJOR WORKS DATA SHEET Title: Wuthering Heights Author: Emily Bronte Date of Publication: 1847 Genre: Gothic Romantic Fiction Biographical Information about the Author She was born on July 30 th, 1818 in Yorkshire, England. She was fairly educated throughout her life, however she remained very quiet.

  1. MAJOR WORKS DATA SHEET Biographical Information about the Author Title: Author: Date of Publication: Genre: Historical Information about the period of publication Characteristics of the Genre Plot Summary. Describe the author’s style An example that demonstrates that style.
  2. In many works of literature, past events can affect, positively or negatively, the present activities, attitudes, or values of a character. Choose a novel or play in which a character must contend with some aspect of the past, either personal or societal.
Her marriage to Leonce Pontellier was purely an accident, in this respect resembling many other marriages which masquerade as the decrees of Fate. It was in the midst of her secret great passion that she met him. He fell in love, as men are in the habit of doing, and pressed his suit with an earnestness and an ardor which left nothing to be desired. He pleased her; his absolute devotion flattered her. She fancied there was a sympathy of thought and taste between them, in which fancy she was mistaken. Add to this the violent opposition of her father and her need to seek no further for the motives which led her to accept Monsieur Pontellier for her husband.
The acme of bliss, which would have been a marriage with the tragedian, was not for her in this world. As the devoted wife of a man who worshiped her, she felt she would take her place with a certain dignity in the world of reality, closing the portals forever behind her upon the realm of romance and dreams.


Edna Pontellier, the individual in the process of the 'awakening' is in a moment where she is putting her marriage into perspective, considering that Robert Lebrun-an occurring 'flirt' in her life- is a factor to her youthful thoughts in the 'realm of romance and dreams.'
At this point in the story, Mrs. Pontellier admits that, when in marriage, it seems as if your fate is decided according to who you have married. She afterward declares that this is an accident. She came about loving her husband Leonce Pontellier while she lived in the midst of her passionate side. Mr. Pontellier however, addressed this with such a seriousness with just a Heightshint of passion. This must have left Mrs. Pontellier in such a state to where she didn't know if he enjoyed her passionate company, womanliness, or youthful play. Of course that does not make a woman feel so comfortable. Therefore, Mrs. Pontellier does not know if it was right to begin with and move forward with, no matter how much they favored each other, or how much he flattered her. She calls this something she has 'mistaken.'
The passage then implies that, although the time was full of bliss, it seems as though it were a tragedy. Clearly, this is not Edna Pontellier. This marriage has sealed the doors to this portal- the realm of romance and dreams. This realm, Edna Pontellier desires! As she journeys on to finding the true moral of her awakening, I believe she will show us just what she is looking for and discover what she really wants and feels as a woman!

Major Works Data Sheet Template

AP English Literature and Composition
Title: Fahrenheit 451_____________________
Author: Ray Bradbury____________________
Date of Publication: 1953___________________
Genre: Science Fiction____________________
Biographical Information about the Author
Ray Bradbury was born August 22, 1920 in Waukegan, Illinois. As a child he was into very mystical entertainment and writings. At 12 or 13 he started writing his own pieces. After high school he couldn’t afford college because they had no money it this was the time during the depression so he spent 3 days out of the week for 10 years in the library. He died June 5, 2012 in L.A., California.
Historical Information about the period of publication
-During the time
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-Strong use of symbols and metaphors
-Strong sentence structures but occasionally uses fragments to add confusion
-“I don’t think I’d like that” he said.
-“He said hello and then said, “What are you up to now””
-“She smiled as she saw Montag.”
-“I’m still crazy. The rain feels good. I love to walk in it.”
Memorable Quotes
Role in the Story
Guy Montag
Captain Beatty
Girl who Montag meets in the beginning of the story
Montag’s mentor
Main character, Fireman that likes knowledge, creator of change
Clarisse starts Montag’s passion for literature and knowledge
Captain of the firemen and he is the one who discovers Montag’s secret and tries to make him burn down his own house.
Helps Montag’s knowledge grow and gives him a different understanding and a safe haven to read and learn
-free spirited
Significance of opening scene
Montag is brainwashed up until the point where he meets Clarisse and then his new curiosity blossoms. Clarisse sparks a new flame in Montag and it makes him question everything he has been doing throughout his life as a fireman.
Significance of ending/closing scene
They go back