How To Change Author Name For Track Changes In Word 2011 Mac

  • Make track changes or comments anonymous Want to remove your identification when adding a Comment or an edit change in Word’s Track Changes or a Comment in Excel? Hook, CPA, director of the performance audit division of the Maryland Office of Legislative Audits, suggests an easy way.
  • The track changes in Word for Mac is an idea which is very important for the second largest OS users in the world. For track changes Mac it is very important that you follow the correct direction to use the idea on your iDevice. If you are looking for the answer to the question i.e. How to track changes in Word on Mac then it is advised to make sure that you get the complete understanding of.
  1. How To Change Author Name For Track Changes In Word 2011 Mac Compatibility
  2. Track Changes In Word Starter
  3. Track Changes In Google Docs

Office 2011 for Mac can keep track of the changes made to a Word document, who made them, and when the changes were made. But these changes aren’t tracked until you turn on the Track Changes feature in Word 2011 for Mac; then, you can send the document to others for edits, and their changes are tracked. Then they return the modified document to you. If you have multiple people taking a look at it, you can even see who made which change.

As you move your cursor over the 'x,' you should see the editor’s name change to 'Click to delete.' Step 6: In the screenshot below, the first editor comment has been deleted and the cursor has advanced to the next comment.


Before you turn on track changes and start sharing your document with everybody, all sharing participants must check their Word 2011 for Mac preferences to make sure that their names are known to Word. Check your own Word preferences to make sure your own information is accurate. Here’s how:

  1. Choose Word→Preferences from the menu bar.

  2. In the Personal Settings section, choose User Information.

  3. At the top of the pane, verify that the First, Last, and Initials show your actual name.

    Fill in this information and make corrections as needed. No other fields in User Information need to be adjusted in order to use track changes.

  4. Click OK to save your changes and close the pane.

How To Change Author Name For Track Changes In Word 2011 Mac Compatibility


Sometimes IT departments clone Office installations, and everyone winds up with the same name or no name at all. Word can’t detect different users if two or more people have the same name in the User Information preferences.

So how do you turn on the Track Changes feature for a document? Click the Ribbon’s Review tab, find the Tracking group. Click the Track Changes button to toggle tracking on or off.

Here’s a second way to activate track changes in Word 2011 for Mac:

  1. Choose Tools→Track Changes→Highlight Changes.

  2. Make sure the last three check boxes are selected.

    You may prefer to check all four check boxes.

  3. Click OK.

Track Changes In Word Starter

How to change the author name for comment in Word

This article is talking about changing the default author name for comments, or changing the existing author name in a document to a new one. Please try the below two methods.

Change the comments’ author name for future use

If you want to change the comment’s author name for future use, please change the User Name in Word Options window.

1. In an opened Word document, click File > Options. In the Word Options window, make sure you are locating in the General tab, change the name in the User name box as below screenshot shown, and finally click the OK button.

Track Changes In Google Docs

Now you have changed the default user name for comments in Word document.

Change the existing comment’s author name of a document

If you have received a document with lots of comments, and you want to change all comments’ author names to a certain one, the following VBA code will do you a favor.

1. Select the range contains comments or select the whole document you will change the author names by pressing the Ctrl + A keys, press the Alt + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. In the opening Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, click Insert > Module. Then copy below VBA code into the Module window.

VBA code: Change the existing comments’ author name of document

3. Press the F5 key to run the code. In the opening Comments Author Name dialog box, enter the new author name into the textbox and click the OK button.

4. In the next opening Comments initials dialog box, enter the initials as you need and click the OK button.

Then all comments’ author names in selected range are changed to the specified one immediately as below screenshot shown.

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  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    I am very grateful for this information. The VBA codes works Perfectly on a document I don't want the writer to know who the reviewer is yet.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Thank you! It changed perfectly the comments, BUT not formatting, like highlighting. Is there what can be modified in the VBA?

  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    This appeared to work but I could not save the file without it reverting to the original Author.
    My workaround was to change the .docx extension on the filename to .zip. Then I opened the zip file. Browsed to the 'word' folder and then copied the 'comments.xml' file. Open the 'comments.xml' file in a text editor. Do a search and replace of the Author name then saved the file. Copy and replace the old 'comments.xml' with the new one in the .zip file. Now change the file extension back to .docx and the Author name is now replaced in the saved Word file.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Thanks for the tutorial. it really helped me
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Many thanks for this. Works Perfect. A warning though; all comments will be changed, regardless of multiple authors. Something that didn't bother me.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Here is a modified Macro that will allow you to first specify the Name your want to replace in case there are other comments that you don't want to modify.
    Sub ChangeCommentAuthor()
    'Updated by EntendOffice 20181112
    Dim I As Long
    Dim xOldName As String
    Dim xNewName As String
    Dim xShortName As String
    If Selection.Comments.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox 'No comments in your selection!', vbInformation, 'KuTools for Word'
    Exit Sub
    End If
    xOldName = InputBox('Old author name?', 'KuTools for Word')
    xNewName = InputBox('New author name?', 'KuTools for Word')
    xShortName = InputBox('New author initials?', 'KuTools for Word')
    If xOldName = ' Or xNewName = ' Or xShortName = ' Then
    MsgBox 'The author name/initials can’t be empty.', vbInformation, 'Kutools for Word'
    Exit Sub
    End If
    With Selection
    For I = 1 To .Comments.Count
    If .Comments(I).Author = xOldName Then
    .Comments(I).Author = xNewName
    .Comments(I).Initial = xShortName
    End If
    Next I
    End With
    End Sub
    • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
      Thank you, Olivier, you are a good person!
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    The VBA script worked perfectly to change the name of the author to my company name. Thank you!
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
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