Send Sms Using Gsm Modem

Use Android phone as modem to send SMS and MMS: Why use Android phone instead of USB modem? Older GSM phones often allowed external software to send and receive SMS messages with a serial port interface, but most modern phones do not support this functionality anymore. Purchase USB modem need additional cost. Sending an SMS through a GSM modem using C#. Ask Question Asked 7 years ago. Active 3 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 19k times 2. I have been trying to send an SMS using the code below. The code sends an SMS through a GSM modem that is attached to my system.

  1. Gsm Modem Sms
  2. Send Sms Using Gsm Modem For Android
  3. Gsm Cellular Modem
  4. Send Sms Using Gsm Modem Password

Gsm Modem Sms

Oct-14-2019, 02:08 PM
I want to Make a Python program for Sending SMS Using my Vodafone Sim Card.
my idea is the following
I put my sim card on modem gsm
with the modem Connected to my computer I’ll run my Python program and send SMS
Is that the best approach to solve the problem?
What modem I have to buy?
I live in Portugal.
Thank you
Oct-14-2019, 07:55 PM
I'm new to Python myself, but maybe that link is a good place to start.
Oct-14-2019, 08:32 PM
It’s paid service and I don’t waste money because I have free SMS on my phone card and I want to use it.
Oct-15-2019, 08:22 PM
Your question 'what modem should I buy?' isn't really a Python question; as much as we'd like to help, I'm doubtful anyone is going to have the background you're looking for. You'd probably be better off researching them yourself, and coming back with specific questions as they come up.
Feel like you're not getting the answers you want? Checkout the help/rules for things like what to include/not include in a post, how to use code tags, how to ask smart questions, and more.
Pro-tip - there's an inverse correlation between the number of lines of code posted and my enthusiasm for helping with a question :)
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Hi I want to Make a Python program for Sending SMS Using my Vodafone Sim Card. My idea is the following I put my sim card on modem gsm with the modem Connected to my computer I’ll run my Python program and send SMS Questions: Is that the best appro. Send SMS or Email using 3G/GSM modem This method is fairly simple-minded, and uses only the serial /dev/ttyUSB0 port and “AT” commands to send an SMS message. Almost any OpenWrt version should work, and any OpenWrt device which supports USB. It has been tested n a WL-500gPv2, a WL-520Gu, and a MPR-A8 (Ralink-based Hame A1 clone).

Send Sms Using Gsm Modem
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Send Sms Using Gsm Modem For Android

SMS is the most common type of notification today. UCME-OPC™ can send SMS to any cell phone or landline phone that supports SMS.

SMS can be sent by the following means:

Using a cellular modem

Both CDMA and GSM are supported. SMS can be configured for both outgoing and incoming SMS. Incoming SMS can be used for alarm acknowledgement, Tag value change or query, report generation and more…

Supported modems

Gsm Cellular Modem

Sierra Wireless Airlink® RV50 4G (Ethernet modem) Dual SIM support, GSM & CDMA
Sierra Wireless AirLink LS300 3G (Ethernet modem) , GSM & CDMA
Sierra Wireless AirLink FX100 (Serial/USB) – GSM 3G – USB + Serial
Sierra Wireless GL6110 (USB), GSM 2G
Sierra Wireless GL6100 (Serial) GSM 2G
Cinterion/Gemalto BGS5T, MC52iT / MC55iT, TC65T – GSM 2G
MultiTech MultiModem GSM (USB or serial) – GSM 2G


Bidirectional SMS

UCME-OPC™ allows two-way SMS between recipients (such as technicians, field engineers or managers) and the control system. Recipients receive alarm notifications yet can also change set-points, acknowledge alarms, execute programs and scripts, and a range of other actions – directly from their cell phone.

Escalation using SMS and a cellular modem

UCME-OPC™’s sophisticated escalation procedure is a customizable alarm delivery feature that sends alarms to alternative recipients. When a recipient acknowledges the alarm, further, unnecessary repeat alarm notifications are prevented – reducing nuisance alarms and reducing costs. Alarms can be configured so that they are sent with a time delay between each SMS. Once and alarm is acknowledged or ended, the escalation may be stopped. If no acknowledgment is received, UCME will continue with the escalation reaching higher recipient levels.

Fallback SMS channel


If UCME-OPC™ fails to send a text message (SMS) via one channel (for example: a faulty GSM cellular modem), it will automatically switch to a fallback channel (for example: a CDMA cellular modem). This functionality reduces the chances that a text message will not be sent and as a result, increases the system reliability.

Native SMS via cellular modems – eliminating Internet threats

Unlike other software packages that require continuous Internet connection to send email-to-cellular messages, UCME-OPC™ uses native text messaging via cellular modems, which means your control system is completely protected from Internet security threats.

Sending production reports to your cell phone via SMS

Using the UCME-OPC™ Alarm Snapshot functionality, you may receive production reports to your cell-phone via SMS.

Sending SMS messages over the Internet using SMS gateways

Send Sms Using Gsm Modem Password

UCME-OPC™ allows sending SMS over the Internet using SMS gateways. All you need is to contact an SMS Gateway service provider that will provide you the access to its SMS gateway service.

UCME-OPC™ allows sending SMS using your local language.