Group Attack Total War Warhammer

The Chaos Invasion is an end-game event that occurs in The Old World and Mortal Empirescampaigns. It involves the forces of Chaos under Archaon, descending south to attack most other races.

Group and assign numerical value Ctrl + G: Group and lock formation G. Run to within range & attack F: Toggle melee mode Alt + right click: (Artillery) attack ground (Ranged) engage in melee. Then the general is to blame. Title: total-war-warhammer-beginners-guide-unit-movement. When I watched some youtubers play Warhammer Total War previous to the release I noticed some were able to have all their units attack seperate enemies with one click (of the mouse I dont know what other key they may have used). I heard it requires units to be grouped (or at least all selected) but I dont know the keys you can order them too all attack and I couldn't find anything in the.

Group and assign numerical value. Run to within range & attack F: Toggle melee mode. The Great War Against Chaos, or simply the Great War, was the name later given to the great invasion by the forces of Chaos into the lands of the Old World south of the Chaos Wastes beginning in the year of 2301 IC. Under the command of the Everchosen Asavar Kul, these forces ravaged the lands of Kislev and the Empire. Simultaneously, the Dark Elves, with their own Chaos allies, attacked the.

As of the December 3rd update, the Chaos Invasion now has different levels the player can set at the start of campaign. These are 'On' 'Off' 'Hard' 'Very Hard' and 'Legendary'. This scales the number of armies spawned during the Chaos Invasion.

  • 2Overview
  • 4Videos

Description[edit | edit source]

The Old World despairs, for Archaon the Everchosen, Champion of Chaos, has come and with him the End Times!

Once a Templar Priest of Sigmar, Archaon uncovered a terrible secret which drove him to reject his faith and pledge himself to the Gods of Chaos. In their service, he has devoted himself to the world's destruction, defeating all challengers and rising to a position of dominance over all in the Chaos Wastes, achieving the ultimate accolade - his dark coronation as the Everchosen; the vessel through which the Dark Gods unite their followers to turn the world into a Realm of Chaos. It is to his banner that the Warriors of Chaos have been flocking, and it is his malign will that now drives them forth in a terrible wave of destruction destined to sweep all before it.

Total war 3 warhammer

The earth groans beneath the iron-shod feet of Archaon's numberless horde, and with him comes death. Is there any champion of the Old World mighty enough to withstand the Lord of the End Times?


Overview[edit | edit source]

The invasion can be very destructive. The factions who attack are mostly hordes or similar factions, so they tend to raze a lot of settlements. Additionally, there is a global +2 Chaos Corruption during the invasion.

Factions involved in the invasion:

  • Warriors of Chaos are the primary aggressors. In Mortal Empires this is expanded to also include these subfactions:
  • Beastmen:
  • Some Norscan Tribes:
    • Varg: Automatically vassals of the Warriors of Chaos if still on the map
    • Skaeling: Automatically vassals of the Warriors of Chaos if still on the map
    • All other Norscan factions do not automatically become Vassals, but may ally with Chaos all the same.

Opposing Chaos is The Empire, Dwarfs, Bretonnia and other human factions. In Mortal Empires, they are joined by High Elves and Lizardmen. These factions gain the diplomatic traitShield of Civilization during a Chaos Invasion, making them more likely to stick together against Chaos.


Greenskins, Vampire Counts, Skaven, Dark Elves and Tomb Kings remain neutral, though Chaos will not hesitate to attack them if they get in the way.

Wood Elves remain neutral, but have negative diplomatic relations with Chaos factions, especially Beastmen whom they hate.

Many factions have a campaign victory condition that involves killing/dealing with Archaon and the Warriors of Chaos.

What happens if I'm playing as the Warriors of Chaos or Norsca?[edit | edit source]

If you are playing as a Norscan faction (World Walkers or Wintertooth), you will get an event called The Everchosen's Summons which allows them to choose to side with Archaon and the Warriors of Chaos, or to side against them and bring about your own invasion.

If you are playing the Warriors of Chaos themselves, you will get an event called The Treason of Tzeentch; you will still have to fight a rival faction called Chaos Gathering, led by Sarthorael the Everwatcher. In addition, Varg and Skaeling will not automatically be your vassals, but you have the ability to Awaken the Tribes to call addition Norscan Tribes to the map.


How it plays out[edit | edit source]

  • The event Chaos Stirs indicates the impending arrival of Warriors of Chaos armies.
  • The event The Rise of Chaos indicates the initial spawning of Warriors of Chaos armies in the Chaos Wastes.
  • The event The Doom Tide indicates the additional spawning of Warriors of Chaos armies.
  • The Chaos Invasion begins in earnest when Archaon spawns alongside Kholek, Sigvald, Sarthorael and additional Chaos armies.
  • When Archaon and the Warriors of Chaos are finally defeated for good, the invasion is over.

Total War Warhammer Ai Group Attack

Videos[edit | edit source]

Total war warhammer mods

Chaos Invasion cinematic[edit | edit source]

Total War Warhammer 40k

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